For the health industry, social media can be one of the best ways to connect with your local audiences, position you as a thought-leader, reach new audiences and attract new patients.

However, for some physicians, practice managers, and business owners, social media can feel overwhelming due to the time it takes to create content and upload content to your Facebook page, Instagram feed, LinkedIn profile or YouTube account.

If you’re looking for ways to improve your social media productivity, here are our Top 5 Social Media Productivity Tools.


In our content category, we LOVE the free app, Grammarly.


What is it?
Grammarly is a “FREE writing app that makes sure your messages, documents, and social media posts are clear, mistake-free, and effective.” Why We Love it!
Whether you’re writing a social media post from your smartphone, sending a message to a colleague or writing a blog article from your desktop, Grammarly will review your content and highlight any misspelled words, grammatical errors or incorrect sentence structures. Why Splice Marketing Recommends Grammarly…
Grammarly adds that extra layer of quality and professionalism across all the content you’re producing. Grammarly saves time with proofreading and editing.

Graphic Design

Around 65% of the population are visual learners so don’t isolate people just by using text posts, add some ‘pizazz’ with some eye-catching graphics. Splice Marketing loves Adobe Spark and Canva.


What is it?
A program to help you create beautiful images, videos and graphics. Why We Love it!
It’s free, it’s easy to use and it offers templates to help you kick-start your designs. What we love most about this app is the ability to make necessary but beautiful short videos. Why Splice Marketing Recommends Adobe Spark…
Capture the attention of your patients by wowing them with your video making skills.


What is Canva:
Graphic design tool for all content types – social media posts, letterheads, presentations, online advertising – you name it, Canva likely offers it. Why We Love It!
Canva is one program we use day in and day out. It is super simple to use with its drag and drop features; it’s array of visually stunning templates which you choose and customise and, you have access to a stock library of free or cheap photos that you can apply to your designs.

Canva is ideal for adding your branding elements to your designs as you can upload your logos, team photos and offers the ability to select your exact branding colours and apply them to your designs.

Why Splice Marketing Recommends Canva…
Perfect for those that need a quick but eye-catching design.

Video Creation

In the video-world we now live, the more video content you create, the better. To kick-start your video creation, we recommend checking out Biteable.


What Is It?
Biteable is a templated video-making program. Why We Love It!
Biteable offers a whole library of video templates which you can select and customise. Once you have a video template, you can personalise the text, the backing images or videos and even add some music to set the scene of your message.

We love creating Biteable videos and using them for our social media posts, repurposing existing blog content into engaging video content, and in some cases, using our Biteable videos for our Facebook Advertising campaigns.

Why Splice Marketing Recommends Biteable
It’s one of the easiest video programs to get you started with video creation.

Scheduling Tools

Now you’re inspired to make all this great content; we recommend using a scheduling tool like Hootsuite if you’re sharing content on multiple social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram and Linkedin.


What is it?
Hootsuite is a social media management tool which allows you to connect your social media channels – Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and LinkedIn (amongst others). You can write your posts, add your videos or photos then schedule your content. Why We Love Hootsuite.
Talk about time-saving! We allocate half an hour to an hour, upload and schedule all of our posts a few weeks in advance. Once everything is planned, we can get onto doing other tasks why Hoostuite takes care of publishing your content as per your scheduling. Why We Recommend:
You’re busy and don’t need to waste your time uploading content to every social media channel. Use Hootsuite to do this with a few clicks of a button and the time you’ve saved for achieving something else.

So there is our top 5 FREE productivity tools we recommend you test out. Share these with your friends and colleagues and let us know if you found these useful!